辛亥革命1911 Blu-ray
- 預告
- 製作特輯
晚清末年,內憂外患,以孫中山(趙文瑄 飾)為首的組織,決心推翻滿清政府。1910年底,孫中山於海外召集同盟會骨幹,組織力量準備發動起義,戰爭一觸即發!1911年4月同盟會發動了廣州起義,成功打入兩廣總督府,起義者犧牲慘重,收屍72具並葬於黃花崗。10月10又發動了武昌起義,革命軍佔領了武漢三鎮,奪取了湖北政權。這時清朝起用袁世凱(孫淳 飾)精銳部隊,大舉反攻,黃興(成龍 飾)指揮保衛戰,整個國家陷入一片戰火之中,兵荒馬亂,生靈塗炭,革命成功之期指日可待...
辛亥革命1911 Blu-ray
Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall)
4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8
4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8
More Information
Release Date:
Vendor: Broadcast Entertainment & Fantasia
All items will be shipped out within 1-3 business days once the order has been processed.
Estimated Delivery Time:
- North America: 4~15 business days
- UK, Europe, Australia: 15~25 business days
- Asia: 7~20 business days
- Mexico: 18~25 business days
- Other Countries: +40 business days
Customs & Duties: Please note that import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price. Any charges are the buyer's responsibility.
Please check carefully before placing your order. Albums cannot be cancelled nor refunded once they are processed.
The outer case/box is simply for the protection of the goods. We are not responsible for damages, such as scratches or defects on the case/box, which cannot be compensated.