大武當 Blu-ray
導演: 梁柏堅
民國初期,相傳武當山有稀世寶藏,百年輪回一次的武林盛會即將開戰,各路高手齊聚道教聖地武當山爭當“天下第一”,神秘女子(楊冪 飾)使絕招搶奪大會戰貼加入戰局,表面上以武會友,背裡卻為一樁家族使命,而考古教授(趙文卓 飾)帶著自幼習武的女兒,為傳說中的鎮山之寶混入武當;一名至孝的俗家弟子(樊少皇 飾)偶然成為了武當代表,與各地武術家爭奪冠軍,卻不知陷入自張三豐創派後武當最大的危機中……
大武當 Blu-ray
Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall)
4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8
4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8
More Information
Release Date:
Vendor: Broadcast Entertainment & Fantasia
All items will be shipped out within 1-3 business days once the order has been processed.
Estimated Delivery Time:
- North America: 4~15 business days
- UK, Europe, Australia: 15~25 business days
- Asia: 7~20 business days
- Mexico: 18~25 business days
- Other Countries: +40 business days
Customs & Duties: Please note that import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price. Any charges are the buyer's responsibility.
Please check carefully before placing your order. Albums cannot be cancelled nor refunded once they are processed.
The outer case/box is simply for the protection of the goods. We are not responsible for damages, such as scratches or defects on the case/box, which cannot be compensated.
Please note: South Korea is currently experiencing strict pandemic restrictions which has delayed shipments and impacted product availability. Orders will be fulfilled as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.