呂珊 弦來最愛呂珊管弦樂演唱會 Blu-ray
02. 飛躍舞台
03. 梅艷芳回憶組曲: 似水流年 / 似是故人來 / 情歸何處 / 抱緊眼前人
04. 恋人よ (日) / 忘不了你
05. 昴すばる (日) / 星
06. 月半小夜曲_呂珊 / 梁榮智
07. 相識也是緣份 / 明月千里寄相思 (國)_呂珊 / 胡楓
08. 百花亭之戀_胡楓
09. 恨綿綿
10. 漁舟唱晚
11. 王昭君 (國)
12. 『珊朋滿座手相牽』
13. 序曲:浮華爵士夢
14. 夢 (國) / 嚮往 (國) / 愛的路上千萬里 (國) / 熱情的沙漠 (國)
15. Over The Rainbow
16. 電視劇武俠組曲:大內群英 / 天蠶變 / 春雨彎刀 / 萬水千山縱橫
17. 羅文感動組曲:親情 / 獅子山下 / 幾許風雨 / 好歌獻給你
18. 難為正邪定分界_呂珊 / 麥包
19. 『流光獵影當年情』_呂珊 / 麥包 / 安德尊
20. 難兄難弟_麥包 / 安德尊
21. 郊道 (國)
22. 『原來最愛點唱機』
23. 星光背後
※ 演唱會製作花絮
呂珊 弦來最愛呂珊管弦樂演唱會 Blu-ray
Broadcast Entertainment (Pacific Mall)
4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8
4300 Steeles Avenue East
Unit C75
Markham ON L3R 0N8
More Information
Release Date:
Vendor: Broadcast Entertainment & Fantasia
All items will be shipped out within 1-3 business days once the order has been processed.
Estimated Delivery Time:
- North America: 4~15 business days
- UK, Europe, Australia: 15~25 business days
- Asia: 7~20 business days
- Mexico: 18~25 business days
- Other Countries: +40 business days
Customs & Duties: Please note that import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price. Any charges are the buyer's responsibility.
Please check carefully before placing your order. Albums cannot be cancelled nor refunded once they are processed.
The outer case/box is simply for the protection of the goods. We are not responsible for damages, such as scratches or defects on the case/box, which cannot be compensated.